Being a mom isn’t always easy – in fact, sometimes it is really, really hard. This Mother’s Day, we wanted to pass along some words of wisdom and thoughts on motherhood from moms to moms. Here are some solid pieces of advice:

As a mom, you will quickly find out that you really should sleep when baby sleeps or take a shower. It’s all true.

At some point, you’ll realize that your child will only eat puffy Cheetos and nothing else. Just remember that at least they’re eating something.

One day you’re holding your precious baby and the next time you blink they’re a screaming toddler who has lost their mind because you picked a cart at the grocery store without a little buckle (as if they will actually stay seated).

You’ll carry your child out of a grocery store or public place at least once like they’re a surfboard under your arm.

One day out of the blue you’ll realize your baby is going to high school and you don’t know how it happened so fast.

Momma, don’t sweat the small stuff. Embrace the mess and sticky hands. The sleepless nights. The smashed crackers in your car. The occasional sippy cup being thrown at your face. The rocks they give you, the weeds they pick for you. The suckers in your hair.

It all goes by way too fast.

Kristin, mom of two

None of us have it all figured out It’s not like they handed us an instruction manual in the delivery room. The ones who claim they have it all figured out, they’re as clueless as the rest of us. Fake it ‘til ya make it. That’s all we’re doing. You got this.

Jennifer, mom of three

Mom needs real mom time. Not taking a shower or shopping alone. Real mom time to gather yourself and relax.

Jackie, mom of two

You don’t have to be perfect to be the perfect mom for your kids. Three sons, ages 29, 25, 20 – And they are flourishing!

Lenore, mom of three

There are going to be times you cry because of your kids, but it’s not always because of something tragic or sad, it is because you are so damn proud of them or that moment is just that beautiful. If you’re a mom, just know, there are going to be tears. 

Laurie, mom of three

You’re not messing up the thing. “The Thing” can be dinner, pets, your child, a bathroom remodel. You’re not messing it up.

 Callen, mom of one

Do you have some words of wisdom for other moms? Tag us on social!
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Mother's Day: A newborn baby
Mother's Day: A newborn baby being help by her mother for the first time
Mother's Day: A newborn baby crying
Mother's Day: A newborn baby being help by her mother for the first time