Parents & Caregivers

Moms, dads, nannies, babysitters, daycare workers, grandparents, and anyone else who spends a good amount of time with young kids will love how KazuTime inspires kids to clean their room, practice the piano, finish their homework or complete any other task in record time. Racing with Kazu and friends makes any activity go more smoothly.

Here’s why: Children don’t understand time the way we do, yet. You may say, “Get ready because we are leaving in 20 minutes!” but until age 7, children don’t really understand time duration. It’s much easier for kids to understand time as an experience and to see time pass. Set up KazuTime for a 10 minute activity, such as getting dressed, and your kids will be able to see how long they have to complete the task. They’ll watch Kazu and friends get closer to the finish line and become excited about finishing their task first!

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